In addition, I made World Traveler Rub On Word Art to match! It's a great addition to any collection and matches so many different layouts!

And, here is the LO Sarah made:

Are you ready to see what the Haynay Hunnies made? they are just beautiful!

They are just fabulous huh? I also have an add-on to go with World Traveler. And, it's a freebie!

Now, it's time for some showoffs! Thank you ladies so much for sharing your creations with me. I love seeing them!
The ShowOffs for the week will receive the "World Traveler Rub On Word Art" as a small gift! If you make something using any of my products, please email me at hhaynay at gmail dot com, subject "Show Off"!
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Page 6 post on Sep. 04, 2009. Thanks again.
Oooh...can't wait to get the rub ons and play with those! Thanks for making them the Show off prize this week! Too cute!
I love the new kit, it is so much fun. It is so fun looking at all the amazing show-offs. Thanks!
Thank you!! Love it all!
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